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Notification No. 12 Released

(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-09-19

Xiamen Municipal Headquarters for COVID-19 Response

Notification No. 12/2021

September 18, 2021

In view of the epidemic situation in Xiamen, and pursuant to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant regulations, we hereby notify industrial and commercial enterprises of the following:

I. Starting today, exhibitions, business meetings, commodity fairs, as well as all types of offline auctions and other in-person activities with large crowd size shall be suspended across Xiamen City.

II. Enterprises shall strictly fulfill their responsibilities by formulating and rigorously implementing an epidemic response mechanism with the chief executive bearing principal responsibilities, and see that all epidemic prevention and control measures are in place as required.

III. Enterprises shall strictly comply with the citywide nucleic acid testing campaign to ensure that no employee is left untested. Prompt action shall be taken for the management of employees who have traveled to or lived in high and medium risk areas in the past 14 days and those who are not green-health-code holders.

IV. Enterprises shall implement closed-loop management and impose strict entry-exit measures. Checking body temperature and health codes shall be made mandatory for entering the workplace while information registration shall be stringently implemented. Employees shall commute between home and workplace by taking shuttle bus or self-driving. Working from home and other forms of teleworking are encouraged.

V. Thoroughly sanitize and disinfect production workshops, office spaces and other relatively crowded venues at least twice a day, and warehouses, dormitories and the like once a day. Good ventilation should be ensured in office spaces, indoor communal areas and employee dormitories. When the central air conditioning (ventilation) system is in use, air outlets and other equipment and components should be cleaned and disinfected once a week.

VI. Corporate meetings, training sessions and other activities should be conducted online whenever possible. Staggered dinning hours and individually  served meals are required to reduce gathering size.

VII. Employers should enhance the employees' awareness of COVID-19 response and ensure their compliance with prevention measures, including avoiding crowds, wearing masks properly at work and keeping social distance at production workshops.

VIII. All vehicles must be sanitized and disinfected upon entry. Follow standardized procedures and COVID-19 protocols during loading/unloading operations. Intercity transport vehicles, once unloaded, should leave the premises as soon as possible. Drivers and passengers must travel with green health codes and certificates of negative COVID-19 test results issued within 48 hours, stay in the driving cabs and avoid contact with on-site staff.

IX. Set up emergency isolation facilities and ensure a sufficient stock of epidemic prevention supplies, such as masks, protective suits, disinfectants, and thermometers.

X. Industrial and commercial enterprises in the closed and controlled areas shall rigorously follow the arrangements and implement the regulations made by the local COVID-19 response authorities.

This Notification shall take effect from the date of issuance. Every individual, industrial or commercial enterprise in Xiamen shall strictly abide by it. Those who violate any regulations herein shall be held accountable.


The City

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