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Memorial Hall for Capture of Zhangzhou

(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-06-28


The Memorial Hall for the Red Army's Capture of Zhangzhou Led by Chairman Mao Zedong. [Photo provided to fao.xm.gov.cn]

The Memorial Hall for the Red Army's Capture of Zhangzhou Led by Chairman Mao Zedong is located at No 118 Shengli Road, Xiangcheng district, Zhangzhou, East China's Fujian province. It is also known as the Zhishan Honglou (Zhishan Red Building).

毛主席率领红军攻克漳州纪念馆位于福建省漳州市芗城区胜利路118 号市委大院内,素有“芝山红楼”之称。

In the early 1930s, Zhangzhou was the second largest city in Fujian province and was occupied by a Kuomintang troop that frequently encroached on the central revolutionary area of the Communist Party of China.

20 世纪30 年代初,漳州是福建省第二大城市,国民党军49 师张贞部盘踞于此,屡犯中央苏区。

To safeguard the CPC's central revolutionary area, two corps of the Red Army led by Chairman Mao Zedong marched east in early April 1932 and recaptured Zhangzhou on April 20.

1932 年4 月初,由红1、5 军团组成的红军东路军挥师东进,占领龙岩,19 日在漳州近郊歼灭张贞部主力,20 日攻克漳州。 

The Zhishan Honglou was the office of the principal of a missionary school of the United States. The three-story building was named "red building" for its red-brick walls and housed Chairman Mao Zedong when the Red Army conquered Zhangzhou.

芝山红楼原是美国教会学校“寻源中学”的校长楼。该楼坐北朝南,为三层砖石结构楼房,底层为地下室,二、三层为砖木结构,红砖砌墙,故有红楼之称。1932 年红军东路军进驻漳州时,毛主席就住在红楼里。

It was transformed into a memorial hall for the revolutionary history in southern Fujian province in August 1957 and renamed in 1971 as the Memorial Hall for the Red Army's Capture of Zhangzhou Led by Chairman Mao Zedong.

1957年8月,为了弘扬党的优良传统和红军的革命精神,教育后代,漳州市将芝山红楼开辟为闽南革命纪念馆。1971 年更名为毛主席率领红军攻克漳州纪念馆。

The memorial hall has seven exhibition areas, displaying a large number of historical materials relating to the CPC, including pictures, documents, and photos.


It is an important cultural relic site under State-level protection and a patriotism education base of Fujian province.


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