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Xiamen Women's Museum

(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-05-11

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The first exhibition area, entitled "women's history", at the Xiamen Women's Museum. [Photo/Xiamen Women's Museum]

The Xiamen Women's Museum was designed and built by the Women's Federation of Xiamen in East China's Fujian province and opened on Sept 2, 2020. 


Inspired by the six strokes of the Chinese character "她" (she), the museum is divided into six areas respectively focusing on the history of women's liberation, women's revolutionary events, achievements of women, female artists and writers, performances of the women's federation, and a women's stage.


The first exhibition area, entitled "women's history", displays the key events of the women's liberation movement in Xiamen. It is decorated with costumes from different periods, such as a riding suit from the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), and a qipao, a body-hugging, one-piece dress popular during the Republic of China period (1912-1949).


The second area, named "women's revolution", showcases Xiamen's efforts to liberate women from feudalism by building schools for women and exempting them from foot-binding, with a display of the evolution of women's shoes 


The third area, named "outstanding women", showcases female models from all walks of life in Xiamen.


The fourth area, named "women's art", displays works by outstanding female artists and writers in Fujian and Xiamen, including To Oak by Shu Ting and sections of A Maze of Stars by Bingxin (the pen name of Xie Wanying).


The fifth area, named "women's sweet home", features a large number of photos and honors showcasing the efforts and achievements of the Xiamen women's federation over the past seven decades to safeguard women's rights and promote their development.


The sixth area, named "women's stage", is a space to be used for temporary exhibitions and activities in the future, where outstanding women can showcase their talents.


Add: 15th floor, Jinguo Building (No 167 Lianyue Road), Xiamen, Fujian province


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