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Notification No. 29 for Epidemic Response

(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-10-08

Reopening Guidelines Update

I. Starting from 21:00 on October 7, 2021, outbound traffic control on all expressways, national and provincial highways will be lifted while epidemic-related checkpoints removed. Foot traffic management at transportation hubs, including the airport, railway stations, coach terminals and ferry terminals shall be strengthened to prevent gathering. Such protocols as enforcing mask wearing, checking body temperature and health codes shall remain in place. Travelers no longer need to carry proof of a negative result of nucleic acid test taken within 48 hours prior to departure. 

II. Starting from October 8, a stepwise approach will be taken to reopen indoor and outdoor public venues in Tong'an District, including scenic areas, tourist attractions and parks that qualify for reopening. In accordance with Notification No. 26, the following epidemic prevention measures shall be strictly implemented: scheduling appointments, staggering entry times, limiting customer traffic, taking body temperature, checking health codes, enforcing the wearing of masks and maintaining one-meter social distance.

III. Schools shall follow the arrangements enforced by competent education authorities, fulfill the requirement of reopening on a case-by-case basis, and conduct thorough disinfection. After a green light is given by the district education, health, and market supervision bureaus, in-person classes can be resumed in a well-regulated way.

IV. All residential compounds (villages) should continue to rigorously implement epidemic prevention and control measures, including enforcing mask wearing, checking body temperature and health codes, and registering visitors' information. 

V. Operators of rental houses, guesthouses, hotels, hostels, family inns (including online-booked B&Bs), etc. should stringently enforce such protocols as ensuring mask use, taking body temperature, and checking health codes and travel history codes. In case of suspected infection, operators should immediately inform and cooperate with the local communities (villages) to ensure the implementation of subsequent health monitoring practices.

VI. Assemblies, group dining, exhibitions, commodity fairs and other events with large crowd size shall be put under strict control. For essential large events, the organizers shall take full responsibility by formulating contigency and emergency response plans on epidemic prevention and control, and then submitting applications to the corresponding district-level headquarters for COVID-19 response for approval.

VII. Community-level health-care organizations and hospitals without fever clinics shall not admit or treat patients with fever. They shall record the information of any fever patient spotted and transfer the patient to a medical establishment with a fever clinic as required. 

Self-monitor your health—go to the nearest fever clinics with masks on and avoid using public transport on the way, if you experience any of the following symptoms: fever, dry cough, lacking energy, loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches, conjunctivitis, and diarrhea.

VIII. Public venues should, under the premise of ensuring effective epidemic prevention, facilitate the access of the elderly, children, and other special groups by substituting health code check with ID registration or other alternatives.

IV. Local authorities, government departments, employers and individuals shall adopt further actions to see that their responsibilities are faithfully fulfilled and tasks assigned to specific persons. Any employer or individual who spreads the virus due to violation of pertinent regulations will be held accountable under the law.

Some areas and groups of people that are subject to more rigorous epidemic containment protocols shall follow the regulations as otherwise required.

Low risk does not mean zero risk. We strongly remind all people in Xiamen to remain vigilant and continue to follow regulations and health guidelines on epidemic prevention and control in an effort to protect the City we all call home. We thank each and every one of you for your understanding, support, and cooperation.

For more information, please refer to the full text of Notification No. 29 released on October 7, 2021 by Xiamen Municipal Headquarters for COVID-19 Response.


The City

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