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Xiamen memorial sites for revolutionary martyrs

(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-05-27


Xiamen Revolutionary Martyrs Monument. [Photo/WeChat account: Xiamenshizhi]

The Xiamen Revolutionary Martyrs Monument and Cemetery are located in front of Xiamen Botanical Garden on Huyuan Road in Kaiyuan sub-district, Siming district.


Built in 1953, the 21,000-square-meter martyrs' cemetery consists of the revolutionary martyrs' monument, martyrs' cemetery, a corridor of sculpted works, group sculptures, warrior An Yemin's cemetery, and general Ye Fei's memorial park.

该址始建于1953 年,陵园总占地面积2.1万平方米,由革命烈士纪念碑、烈士陵墓、浮雕长廊、“永志铭心”群雕、安业民烈士墓、叶飞将军纪念园等组成。

The site was named as a municipal-level protected cultural relics unit in March 1982 by the Xiamen government and was designated as a national patriotism education base by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in January 1995. It was also included in the national key martyrs memorial building protection unit list by the State Council in February 2009.

厦门市革命烈士纪念碑及烈士陵园于1982 年3 月被厦门市人民政府公布为厦门市文物保护单位,1995 年1 月被国务院民政部公布为全国爱国主义教育基地,2009 年2 月被国务院公布为全国重点烈士纪念建筑物保护单位。

The Exhibition Hall of the Deeds of the Revolutionary Martyrs of Xiamen is located at the northeastern corner of the Xiamen Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on No 103 Wenyuan Road.


The hall covers 600 square meters and has four exhibition areas. It opened on Oct 17, 1989, with its name inscribed by Ye Fei, the former vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. 


The first exhibition area displays a group of sculptures and murals focusing on the theme of Xiamen's liberation. The Xiamen "prison break" fight and other revolutionary efforts made by the People's Liberation Army to liberate Xiamen in cross-sea battles are depicted in artistic ways.


The second exhibition area displays the introduction, inscriptions by Chinese leaders including Mao Zedong (1893-1976) and Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), as well as a name list of more than 1,700 Xiamen revolutionary martyrs.


The third exhibition area exhibits the outstanding deeds and stories of 38 martyrs that had a great influence on China's history. The fourth exhibition room provides a place in which people can commemorate those heroes.


The exhibition hall became a provincial patriotism education base in June 1997. 


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