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Notice on the application for visa (residence permit) of high-level overseas talents 


ItemsNotice on the application for visa (residence permit) of high-level overseas talents
Regulation“Notice on the Simplification of Application for Residence Permit and Exit-Entry Administration of High-Level Overseas Talents” issued by Xiamen public security bureau and Xiamen foreign and overseas Chinese affairs office (XMFOCA) (Xiamen municipal government [2009] No 223)

(1) Senior consultant invited by the Xiamen municipal government, high-tech and high-level supervisor of national or city-level science & technology cooperation projects, and key engineering and talent exchange projects jointly signed by the government and foreign countries;

(2) People who made great contributions to the social, economic and cultural development of Xiamen;

(3) People who conduct voluntary assistance agreements;

(4) Academic and scientific research leaders employed by city-level, provincial or national scientific research institutions, colleges or universities; Academic and scientific research elites with the title of associate professor or associate research fellow or with higher titles, and people who enjoy the same treatment;

(5) Senior administrator or important technical professionals appointed as deputy general manager or higher position, or those who enjoy the same treatment invited by the high-tech enterprises, encouraged foreign invested enterprises, foreign invested technologically advanced enterprises, and exports enterprises with foreign investment.

(6) Overseas Chinese who have won significant international science awards, outstanding overseas Chinese, and foreigners who have been awarded honorary titles by the Xiamen municipal government;

(7) Applicant who is in accordance with the regulations of “Notice on the Simplification of Application for Residence Permit and Exit-Entry Administration of High Level Overseas Talents” issued by the Xiamen public security bureau and Xiamen foreign and overseas Chinese affairs office (Xiamen municipal government [2009] No 66) .

ApplicantsHigh level overseas talents (meet the abovementioned conditions)
Application documents

(1)Two pieces of “Application Form for Xiamen High Level Overseas Talents” (the application form can be download from the website of the Xiamen Foreign and overseas Chinese affairs office http://www.xmfo.gov.cn/wsbs/qzfw/hwgccyjrc/201508/t20150818_1177580.htm).

The recommend institutions required in the application form should be among the district governments, committees, offices and bureaus in Xiamen and the Xiamen Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone;

(2) A letter of declaration issued by the employer shall be submitted to the XMFOCA, with the details of applied items;

(3) The employer shall submit a copy of business license to the XMFOCA;

(4) Curriculum vitae of the applicant (including education, working experience and achievements), and certificate of the applicant’s highest degree;

(5)Copy of the applicant’s passport (including the profile page, visa page and entry record page); if the applicant has accompanying family members come to China together, he or she shall submit the copy of the family member’s passport, as well as the original marriage and birth certificate;

(6) Official employment contract or relevant certificates.

AuthorityXiamen Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office
ProcedureThe applicant shall apply to the Xiamen Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office with the abovementioned application documents.
Time limitThree work days
ValiditySix months
Address and telephone number

2nd Floor, Tuanjie Building, No 16, Bailuzhou Road, Siming district (Overseas Chinese Policy Division)

Tel: +86-592-2381-936

Office hours

Work Days: 8:30am-12:00am;2:30pm-5:00pm (Winter)


(Except Tuesday afternoons) 



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